Applicant 7th Judicial District Department 2 >
The Commission on Judicial Selection interviews and nominates attorneys for appointment to vacant District Court, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court positions.
The Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection is a judicial body created pursuant to Article 6, Section 20 of the Nevada State Constitution, and governed by Nevada Revised Statutes 1.380 through 1.410. The Commission on Judicial Selection is charged with filling judicial vacancies that occur before expiration of a term of office in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or District Court. The Commission is charged with selecting three candidates for the Governor's review and appointment to fill judicial vacancies that occur before the expiration of a term of office in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or District Court.
Commission on Judicial Selection | Staff to the Commission:Margarita Bautista |
Application instructions for this judicial position can be found at https://nvcourts.gov/_media/media/folders/committees_and_commissions/judicial_selection/documents
Applicant 7th Judicial District Department 2 >
Applicant 7th Judicial District Department 2 >
Applicant 7th Judicial District Department 2 >
Applicant 7th Judicial District Department 2 >
Applicant 7th Judicial District Department 2 >