81551 Sunseri (Kevin) vs. State

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Docket Number(s): 81551
Date: 07/07/2021 Time: 11:30 A.M. Location: Carson City
Before the Northern Nevada Panel, Justice Cadish Presiding
Damian Robert Sheets, as counsel for Appellant
Kelsey L. Bernstein, as counsel for Appellant
Christopher J. Lalli, as counsel for Respondent
Start Time Speaker Notes
11:34:47 AMJustice CadishCase called
11:35:55 AMDamian Robert Sheetsas counsel for Appellant
11:48:57 AMChristopher J. Lallias counsel for Respondent
12:05:05 PMDamian Robert Sheetsas counsel for Appellant
12:09:54 PMJustice CadishEnd argument, case submitted