Forthcoming Opinions

The following opinions are scheduled for release by the appellate courts. Any pending opinions are subject to modification or withdrawal at the discretion of the appellate courts. The posted opinions will be available on the advance opinions page by 2:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Please note that the most current public information regarding the Supreme Court cases is available through the court's public portal by using the links below.

The Nevada Supreme Court and Court of Appeals normally release ADVANCE OPINIONS only on Thursdays.

On the preceding Wednesday, a list will be posted here of opinions planned for release.

88597:  Nester vs. Dist. Ct.

87130-COA:  CCMSI vs. Odell

The appellate courts make no guarantee that every advance opinion listed as forthcoming will be published as indicated. On rare occasions, the publishing of an advance opinion may be delayed at the last minute for administrative reasons.

Some weeks, the appellate courts will issue no opinions.

Most Supreme Court and Court of Appeals cases are decided by “Unpublished Orders,” which may be released on any day. Access the Supreme Court unpublished orders. Access the Court of Appeals unpublished orders.