Hernandez vs. Bennett-Haron

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Docket Number(s): 59861
Date: 06/05/2012 Time: 2:00 P.M. Location: Las Vegas
Before the En Banc Court, Chief Justice Cherry Presiding
Joshua H. Reisman, as counsel for the Appellants
Luther M. Snavely, as counsel for the Respondent
Katrina M. Rogers, as counsel for Amicus Curiae
Start Time Speaker Notes
2:11:40 PMJustice CherryCase called
2:11:59 PMJoshua H. ReismanCounsel for the Appellants
2:32:49 PMLuther M. SnavelyCounsel for the Respondents
2:52:27 PMKatrina M. RogersCounsel for Amicus Curiae
3:03:33 PMJoshua H. ReismanCounsel for the Appellants
3:11:09 PMJustice CherryEnd argument, case submitted