Patraw vs. Groth

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Docket Number(s): 55433
Date: 10/31/2011 Time: 10:30 A.M. Location: Carson City
Northern Panel, Justice Cherry Presiding
Marie C. Mirch as counsel for the Appellant
Kent R. Robison as counsel for the Respondent
Start Time Speaker Notes
10:30:28 AMJustice CherryCase Called
10:31:06 AMMarie C. MirchAs Counsel for the Appellant
10:37:00 AMKent R. RobisonAs Counsel for the Respondent
10:49:39 AMMarie C. MirchAs Counsel for the Appellant
10:58:41 AMKent R. RobisonAs Counsel for the Respondent
10:59:51 AMMarie C. MirchAs Counsel for the Appellant
11:00:43 AMJustice CherryEnd Argument, Case Submitted