81053 - Pintar vs. Dist. Ct. (AA Primo Builders, LLC) C/W 81362

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Docket Number(s): 81053
Date: 12/16/2020 Time: 1:00 P.M. Location: Carson City
Before the Northern Nevada Panel, Justice Parraguirre Presiding
Becky Ann Pintar , as counsel for Petitioner
Theodore Parker, as counsel for Real Party in Interest
Start Time Speaker Notes
1:02:34 PMJustice ParraguirreCase called
1:02:54 PMBecky Ann Pintaras counsel for Appellant
1:16:05 PMTheodore Parkeras counsel for Respondent
1:34:46 PMBecky Ann Pintaras counsel for Appellant
1:38:16 PMJustice ParraguirreEnd argument, case submitted