Williams vs. State

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Docket Number(s): 55805 c/w 55806
Date: 10/14/2010 Time: 2:00 p.m. Location: Las Vegas
Before a Panel of Justices: Hardesty, Douglas, and Pickering
Philip J. Kohn as counsel for Appellant.
Scott Mitchell as counsel for Respondent.
Start Time Speaker Notes
2:11:48 PMJ. HardestyCase Called
2:12:12 PMPhilip J. KohnCounsel for Appellant
2:24:00 PMScott MitchellCounsel for Respondent
2:43:19 PMPhilip J. KohnCounsel for Appellant
2:46:46 PMJ. HardestyCase Submitted
2:46:55 PMCase End